Shiro Cosmetics. Shiro Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Shiro Cosmetics (an Oregon-based brand) have a large following for their mixture of pop culture and cosmetics. They offer loose eyeshadow, lipgloss, and tinted lip balms, along with the option to turn any of their lip safe eyeshadows into your own custom lipgloss. They also have a line of face products including blushes, finishing powder, and contouring powders. They do ship internationally.
Shiro Cosmetics won with 31% of the votes, Femme Fatale Cosmetics got second place with 20.1%, Fyrinnae Cosmetics got third place with 17.4%.
Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics (2014)
Best Up & Coming Indie Beauty Brand
Hello Waffle Cosmetics. Hello Waffle Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Hello Waffle is a Canadian-based brand offering loose eyeshadows, loose blushes, face powders, and lip products. If you're into cats and literature based puns, you will like their Catssic Literature Eyeshadow Collection. They do ship internationally.
Hello Waffle won with 23.8% of the vote, with Notoriously Morbid receiving 17.2%, and Blackbird Cosmetics receiving 17.1% (a one vote difference!)
Previous Winner: Hello Waffle Cosmetics (2014)
Previous Winner: Hello Waffle Cosmetics (2014)
Recommended Brand for Beginners to Indie Beauty
Shiro Cosmetics. Shiro Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Shiro Cosmetics won with 37.4% of the vote, followed by Aromaleigh Cosmetics with 10.6% of the vote, and Femme Fatale Cosmetics with 10%.Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics (2014)
Fyrinnae Cosmetics. Fyrinnae Cosmetics, based out of Seattle, is one of the OGs of indie cosmetics. They're most well-known for their eyeshadows, especially their Arcane Magics which are a line of iridescent color-changing eyeshadows. Their Pixie Epoxy is also the original glitter fixative plus they've got their line of Liquid Mattes. Don't be put off by their turn-around time, it's padded in cases of emergencies.
Fyrinnae Cosmetics won with 11.7% of the vote, followed by Femme Fatale Cosmetics with 11.4% (a two vote difference!), and Darling Clandestine with 10.1%.
Previous Winner: Life's Entropy Cosmetics (2014)
Best Beauty Brand for Vegans
Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics (2014)
Best Powder Blush
Hello Waffle Cosmetics. Hello Waffle Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Hello Waffle won with 15.2% of the vote, Shiro Cosmetics took second with 13.7%, followed by Aromaleigh Cosmetics with 11.8%.Previous Winner: Hello Waffle Cosmetics (2014)
Darling Girl won with 46.4% of the vote, followed by Silk Naturals with 21.7%, and Brija Cosmetics with 17.3%.
Previous Winner: Darling Girl Cosmetics (2014)
Best Highlighter
Hello Waffle Cosmetics. Hello Waffle Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Hello Waffle won with 19.2% of the vote, followed by Shiro Cosmetics with 18.5%, coming up the bend is Aromaleigh Cosmetics with 15.2%.Previous Winner: Hello Waffle Cosmetics (2014)
Best Face Powder
Shiro Cosmetics. Shiro Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Shiro won the vote with 25.4%, followed by Fyrinnae Cosmetics with 15.7%, and Aromaleigh Cosmetics rounding up third place with 15.2% (a difference of two votes between 2nd and 3rd place!).Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics (2014)
Fyrinnae Cosmetics. Fyrinnae won with a big majority at 39.8%. Their Powder Primer for Dry Skin is unique amongst the indie beauty community so it's not surprising that Fyrinnae won. Second place went to Darling Girl Cosmetics with 31% of the vote followed by Meow Cosmetics at 15.3%.
Previous Winner: Fyrinnae Cosmetics (2014)
Fyrinnae Cosmetics. Fyrinnae won again with 45.3% of the vote, Blackbird Cosmetics took second place with 22.6%, and Meow Cosmetics in third with with 20%.
Previous Winner: Fyrinnae Cosmetics (2014)
Best Bronzer
Shiro Cosmetics. Shiro won with 33% of the vote, followed by Fyrinnae Cosmetics with 30.5%, and Meow Cosmetics rounding out third place with 15.9% of the vote.Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics (2014)
Best Contour Product
Shiro Cosmetics Contouring Powder. Shiro Cosmetics Contouring Powder won with 27%. Second place goes to Blackbird Skulpting Powder with 19.7% of the vote, followed by Life's Entropy Particle Contour Sticks at 15.7%.Previous Winner: Life's Entropy Cosmetics Particle Contour Sticks (2014)
Best Loose Foundation Formula for Dry Skin
Meow Cosmetics. Meow Cosmetics is a cat-themed beauty brand based out of Pennsylvania. They sell eyeshadows, brow products, face powders, and loose foundation. The foundation comes in three formulas based on coverage levels and fourteen (14!) different undertones. You're likely to find a color that will suit you! This company ships internationally.Meow Cosmetics won with 36% of the vote, followed by Dreamworld Hermetica with 24.4% of the vote, and Aromaleigh Cosmetics finishing with 7.8% of the vote.
Previous Winner: Meow Cosmetics (2014)
Best Loose Foundation Formula for Oily Skin
Meow Cosmetics. Meow Cosmetics won with 52.5% of the vote, Dreamworld Hermetica coming in second place with 47.5%.Previous Winner: Meow Cosmetics (2014)
Previous Winner: Performance Colors (2014)
Best Foundation Color Range
Meow Cosmetics. Meow Cosmetics won with the majority of votes, receiving 45.3% of the vote, followed by Dreamworld Hermetica with 29.3%, followed by Aromaleigh Cosmetics with 25.4% of the vote.
Previous Winner: Meow Cosmetics (2014)
Best Realized Themed Color Collection
Shiro Cosmetics Seven Kingdoms Collection. The Seven Kingdoms Collection won with 14.5% of the vote, followed by Shiro's Marauders, Mugwumps, & Muggles collection with 13.7% of the vote, and Aromaleigh's Galactic Collection rounding out with 9.6% of the vote.Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics Seven Kingdoms Collection (2014)
Best Loose Eyeshadow Formula
Shiro Cosmetics. Shiro Cosmetics won with 17.7% of the vote, followed by Fyrinnae Cosmetics with 17.5% (one vote separated Shiro and Fyrinnae), and finally Femme Fatale Cosmetics with 13%.
Previous Winner: Fyrinnae Cosmetics (2014)
Previous Winner: Fyrinnae Cosmetics (2014)
Best Duochrome Eyeshadows
Femme Fatale Cosmetics. Femme Fatale Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Femme Fatale is an Australian-based brand that sells astounding duo chrome eyeshadows. The duo chrome shift is so good, you have to wonder what kind of magic they've channeled into the eyeshadows. They are also a great source for Australians seeking indie nail polishes and other cosmetics lines. The company ships internationally.
Femme Fatale won with 42.1% of the vote, followed by Fyrinnae Cosmetics with 34.5% (a difference of only one vote!), with Aromaleigh Cosmetics rounding out third with 7.4% of the vote.
Previous Winner: Femme Fatale Cosmetics (2014)
Femme Fatale won with 42.1% of the vote, followed by Fyrinnae Cosmetics with 34.5% (a difference of only one vote!), with Aromaleigh Cosmetics rounding out third with 7.4% of the vote.
Previous Winner: Femme Fatale Cosmetics (2014)
Best Matte Eyeshadows
Blackbird Cosmetics. Blackbird Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Blackbird Cosmetics is an Ohio-based brand. Their repertoire of matte eyeshadows, finishing powders, and contouring powders (all of which are mattes) garner a great reputation. It's a little refreshing to see the brand since one can get overwhelmed by all the sparkly and shiny offerings available. Matte is what they seem to do best! They do ship internationally.Blackbird Cosmetics won with 46.4% of the vote, Detrivore came in second with 14.4%, and Notoriously Morbid in third with 13.8%.
Previous Winner: Blackbird Cosmetics (2014)
Best Eyeshadow Primer
Darling Girl Primped and Primed Eyelid Primer. Darling Girl Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Darling Girl Primped and Primed Eyelid Primer won with 38.1% of the vote, Femme Fatale Shadow Magic came in second with 29%, and Eccentric High Intensity Primer came in third with 18.6% of the vote.
Previous Winner: Darling Girl Cosmetics Primped and Primed Eyelid Primer (2014)
Previous Winner: Darling Girl Cosmetics Primped and Primed Eyelid Primer (2014)
Best Eyeshadow Enhancer
Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy. Fyrinnae Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy won with 59.1% of the vote (I meant it when I said Fyrinnae is the originator of the glitter fixative!), Darling Girl Glitter Glue came in second with 21.7%, and Notoriously Morbid Shadow Bind finished with 9.9% of the vote.
Previous Winner: Fyrinnae Cosmetics Pixie Epoxy (2014)
Previous Winner: Fyrinnae Cosmetics Pixie Epoxy (2014)
Darling Girl Eye Candy Gel Liner. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to be on sale right now. Darling Girl Eye Candy Gel Liner won with 45.7% of the vote, followed by Pumpkin & Poppy Cream Eyeliner with 28.8% of the vote, and Silk Naturals Cream Liner with 25.6%
Previous Winners: Darling Girl Eye Candy Gel Liner and Performance Colors Pencil Liner (2014)
Previous Winners: Darling Girl Eye Candy Gel Liner and Performance Colors Pencil Liner (2014)
Best Cream Eyeshadow
Darling Girl Wonder Wands. Darling Girl Wonder Wands won with 72.6% of the vote, followed by Kiss My Sass Cream Eyeshadow with 27.4%.Previous Winners: Darling Girl Watercolor Paint Pots and Performance Colors Shimmersticks
Best Pressed Eyeshadow Formula
Blackbird Cosmetics Pressed Luxury Eyeshadows. Blackbird Cosmetics won with 40.3% of the vote, followed by Shiro Cosmetics with 21.5%, and Fyrinnae with 14.5%.
Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics Pressed Eyeshadows (2014)
Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics Pressed Eyeshadows (2014)
Best Eyebrow Product

Life's Entropy Brow Theory Pomades. Life's Entropy Cosmetics is now a two-time winner for this category. Life's Entropy Cosmetics is a New York based company. Their lip theories (a take on the OCC lip tars) get a lot of love but their brow theories (a take on the Anastasia Dipbrow) and what they've won for are also great. I highly recommend the Brow Theory. All the products are vegan and the company ships internationally.
Life’s Entropy Brow Theories dominated the category with 52.5%, followed by Meow Cosmetics Brow Powder with 20.9%, and Silk Naturals Brow Powder got 18.8%.
Previous Winner: Life's Entropy Brow Theory (2014)
Life’s Entropy Brow Theories dominated the category with 52.5%, followed by Meow Cosmetics Brow Powder with 20.9%, and Silk Naturals Brow Powder got 18.8%.
Previous Winner: Life's Entropy Brow Theory (2014)
Haus of Gloi Lip Balm. Haus of Gloi Lip Balm won with 17.2% of the vote, followed by Epically Epic Lip Balms with 15.9%, and Shiro Cosmetics Tinted Lip Balm with 14.9% of the vote.
Previous Winner: Ten Three Labs Salve Sticks (2014)
Previous Winner: Ten Three Labs Salve Sticks (2014)
Best Lipstick Brand for Typical Colors
Hello Waffle Cosmetics. Hello Waffle Cosmetics won with 18.2% of the vote, followed by Silk Naturals with 14.7%, and Fyrinnae Cosmetics with 13%.
Previous Winner: Performance Colors (2014)
Previous Winner: Performance Colors (2014)
Best Lipstick Brand for Unusual Colors
Fyrinnae Cosmetics. Fyrinnae Cosmetics won with 36% of the vote, followed by Limnit Lipsticks with 29.2%, and Notoriously Morbid with 24%.
Previous Winner: Limnit Lipsticks (2014)
Previous Winner: Limnit Lipsticks (2014)
Best Liquid Lipcolor
Notoriously Morbid Mystic Matte. Notoriously Morbid won with 22.6% of the vote, followed by Fyrinnae Cosmetics Lip Lustre with 20.3%, and lastly Darling Girl Cosmetics Pucker Paint with 18.5%.
Previous Winner: Fyrinnae Cosmetics (2014)
Previous Winner: Fyrinnae Cosmetics (2014)
Best Lipgloss
Shiro Cosmetics. Shiro was the overwhelming winner with 51.5%, followed by Darling Girl Balm Gloss with 16.1%, and Notoriously Morbid with 12.7%. Shiro does offer a custom lipgloss option if you're not a fan of the current lipgloss lineup.
Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics (2014)
I hope you enjoyed reading all the winners. Feel free to check out each shop and tell me if you decide to get anything! Here is Part Two with the Bath & Body and Fragrances winners!Previous Winner: Shiro Cosmetics (2014)
Below are all the nominated companies. Please be sure to check them out!
Indie Beauty Brands:
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