Day 26: Thanksgiving recap :)

This is a pictureless post but I just wanted to ask everyone how their Thanksgiving was :)

Mine was really realllly good. I had Thanksgiving lunch with my boyfriend and his family first with all the traditional Thanksgiving fixin's. Turkey, gravy, smashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, the works. Yummy Pumpkin Creme Pie was the dessert mmmm

I then had Thanksgiving dinner with my family and since we're so very non-American and are more influenced by our French culture roots we did not have traditional food :P

My family had bouillabaisse, potatoes au gratin, lamb and then a pumpkin souffle from Trader Joes.

We also had Korean Red Bean Ice bars which were given to us by my sister's best friend.

What did you guys do?


  1. MMM, that all sounds delicious! I'm so glad you had a good Thanksgiving :) Mine was alright, just spent it with my family. I didn't have any turkey though..

  2. @Susalie

    What did you guys have? I only really had a traditional Thanksgiving last year and this year because most of the time my family makes French food :P


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